Monday, April 16, 2012

"N" is for Nourish...

perceptions + quotes + reality =
A to Z Challenge

The sun setting at Emerald Isle, NC

We pray, read devotions and attend church to sustain our spirituality.  We consume healthy foods in an attempt to maintain a balanced diet that enhances our bodily self.  To manage our heart we lift weights, ride a bike or run on a treadmill. We complete puzzles, read books and study to augment our brain power.

When emptiness is upon us, what is it that we embrace to nourish our soul? For many of us this sustenance is derived from a sense of purpose; an extension encompassing our job or family.  For others nourishment may be fluid and embraces our social circles, leisure activities or volunteerism.

Personally, I try to preserve an even personality by maintaining structure and balance between all the undertakings noted above.  However when demands and expectations come at me like projectiles, my stress level intensifies and intervention is in order.
No doubt, my preferred undertaking is a trip to the beach; to engulf my ambiance with the sea. The act of peering out over the vast ocean reminds me I am just one grain of sand amidst thousands-- it prompts me to recognize I am not alone. The rhythmic song of the waves feeds my spirit and reinforces my oneness with the world as I immerse myself into what is true and genuine. My soul once again is thriving, tranquil, and in concert as the sea…

What do you do to nourish your soul?

"The soul, like the body, lives by what it feeds on." 
~Josiah Gilbert Holland


Old Kitty said...

Awww I love your trip to the beach! Which makes me think how I love sitting next to the sound of running water! It's probably not the same thing but recently my overflow was, well overflowing - water was trickling out of the pipes just next to my window where I write and I must say I really found the sound of this water very soothing! I mean it was bad for the house but while it lasted, it calmed me down! So maybe in my next life I'd like to live next to a waterfall!
Take care

Leigh Caron said...

To nourish my soul I listen to music. To nourish my spirit, I contemplate the glory of God.

Jen said...

Beach, music and family...prayer....

Arkansas Patti said...

Watching the sea or a roaring fire empty my soul of all troubles. When those are not available, lying in my hammock with my favorite music in my ears pretty much does the trick.
You remind me that our lives are like gardens,they must be tended.


I am also a frequent visitor to the beach, I love the early sunrise on the sea.

Enjoyed your post very much and photo's.


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Pretty picture. I crave peace for my soul even over contentment.


Out on the prairie said...

I find a lot of spirit when I am out in nature, it calls to me at times

Bish Denham said...

The ocean is always a good place to go to restore my soul. But when I can't do that (which is most of the time) taking a simple walk in the woods near our house, slowing down and really looking at the things around me in nature, does wonders.

TexWisGirl said...

that is wonderful, tracy.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love how you worded this: "...I immerse myself in what is true and genuine." Beautiful!

Spending time with my cats and my husband nourishes me. Watching nature and listening to music also help. Contemplating God and meditating are nourishing too. I guess I need a variety of things, but but they all involve slowing down my body and my thinking.

I hope to get to the beach this summer. Like you, I feel incredibly small but connected when I look out over the ocean.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I nap. Having a quiet afternoon restores me. Prayer also calms my spirit. It's a reminder that I can't control things, and that in the end, things will be OK.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The picture is really beautiful! Ee don't have a beach anywhere near, we live in the mountains. Photography nourishes my soul, especially of the sun and flowers, God's beauty all around us, being able to see it and capture a second of an image forever.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Mother Nature, in general, but the ocean, (or any other body of water) sunrises and sunsets, and the mountains, in particular. They all restore me and fill me with peace.

Julie Flanders said...

I couldn't agree more about the trip to the beach, there's nothing I love more. But with living in Ohio I can't go nearly as often as I like! I've learned to make do with long walks in the park and just enjoying the outdoors. Great post and gorgeous photo!

Anne Mackle said...

I go to theatre, a musical or similar show, It always makes my heart soar.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yes, the ocean restores the soul. 100%. Love your beach picture, and words.

Nancy Thompson said...

I listen to music, and I write. So I'm pretty nourished mos of the time!

I'm a new follower via the A to Z. Nice to meet you, Tracy!

cleemckenzie said...

I've always gone to the sea for solace and inspiration. It must be it's vastness and it's restless nature and its mystery. I don't know, but that's my spot when the soul goes hungry.

Connie said...

Wonderful post, Tracy. I seek out a quiet spot and read or go for a walk outside. I seek out nature too. I would definitely go to the beach if I lived close enough to do that. Beautiful photo of the beach in your post. :)

Daisy Carter said...

I love the beach! I live in the Florida panhandle, so I beach allllll the time. It definitely keeps me balanced! Thanks for stopping by my blog today - new follower!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love going up to the Sundance Ski Resort--any time but during the ski season. lol I love riding the lift and watching the beauty of the mountains. It's incredible up there any season I go.

M said...

Listening to music and going into my sewing room....I love to create and when I have time to do so it is so good for my soul.

The view from my classroom is good for my soul...I even did a few posts on what it looks like and how it is so nice to be there alone in the morning.

And lap swimming is good because there is nothing to focus on but the thoughts in my head.

Happy Monday!

M said...

Listening to music and going into my sewing room....I love to create and when I have time to do so it is so good for my soul.

The view from my classroom is good for my soul...I even did a few posts on what it looks like and how it is so nice to be there alone in the morning.

And lap swimming is good because there is nothing to focus on but the thoughts in my head.

Happy Monday!

Ruth said...

I like to read.
Get away from the computer sometimes. Go outside and just walk around my yard or garden. Music matched whatever mood I need it too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like you have it all together ---probably better than most of us..

I used to EAT to nourish my soul---which was the worst thing I could have ever done. It was my comfort... As you know, I don't do that anymore ---but I have to work really hard to put food at the bottom of my list instead of the top...

To nourish my soul these days, I get out in nature.. I love watching my backyard birds. I love walking deep in the woods and coming upon a gorgeous waterfall which is there just for ME....

Another great post, Tracy.

Nicole said...

Great perspective! Thanks for stopping by.

Beth Zimmerman said...

This is beautiful! I grew up in Maine. Have been in Oklahoma for 30+ years. "Home" to Maine ... ONCE! My heart longs for the song of the sea, the cry of the gulls, the salt on my skin ... I ache some days for the ocean!

Kimberly said...

What a beautiful post. The picture is gorgeous.

Family time is how nourish mine. :)

Christi said...

Amen! The beach does it for me every time.

Christi ツ
Beach Dreams and Love Always

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