Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy New Year!?

Happy New Year!

You’re right, it isn’t even November yet so what am I doing mentioning the new year?

Well, I have to come clean- the past few months have been anything but suitable regarding the economy, the outlook of the American people, the approach of my job and the pressure permeating my soul that more often than not I could pay no heed to however, I haven’t been successful as of late in brushing aside the pessimism enveloping me.

As well, I’ve abandoned consistent activities that bring peace of mind: writing particularly on my blog, allowing negativity to overtake my thoughts and steal the joy I desperately seek in the minuscule.

More so, I’ve busied my days with insignificant tasks to avoid thinking and to distance the world and those in it, all the same it’s grown old and impersonal.

Therefore, I thought I’d instigate the ideology and optimism, the cheerfulness and hopefulness that one tends to grasp when the proverbial door closes as another one opens. In my mind, the tiny fuses are anointed as the fireworks burst; streamers spout as resolve to begin anew resonates within.

So on this day, October 15, I bid myself and YOU if appropriate a Happy New Year!

“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year.

It is that we should have a new soul. “

By G.K. Chesterson


Kim said...

Happy New Year to you too. Sometimes you just need to push the reset button.

TexWisGirl said...

blackboard is wiped clean and ready for you again!

Sylvia K said...

Great post and so true! I've been doing the same thing -- ain't always easy, but it's better than the alternative! Enjoy!!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Happy New Year to you too. I think we all need a fresh start and need to re-group and take a deep breath.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Happy New Year, Tracy! I'm glad you are back in the land of the living, I've missed you, and have lately been wondering what the heck has happened to you! Phil used to get S.A.D., seasonal affective disorder.

Connie said...

A new start is good any time you need one. Happy new year, Tracy!

Old Kitty said...

May each day be a happy new year for you!

Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy "new year" to you too!

Sometimes we do just need to make a conscious fresh start. Other times the pessimism that envelopes us is a bit more serious--as I know only too well from years of personal experience with depression. So I would only say that *IF* your mood persists for longer, to seek whatever help--use whatever tools--you need.


Out on the prairie said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, this year has a nice feel.Sorry to not hear from you in so long.

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Happy New Year to you too!! It's so good to hear from you again! I've missed your posts. Great post!

mamahasspoken said...

I so know what you are talking about! Seems like this school year is going quickly for me, mainly due to all the busy work that serves no purpose but to justify someone else's job higher up. Makes me think harder about retirement......

Jeanie said...

That is a great way to look at a change in attitude. I hope your new year is a wonderful one.

Jeanie said...

That is a great way to look at a change in attitude. I hope your new year is a wonderful one.

Catherine said...

Thus proving we can make a 'fresh start' of it whenever and where ever!

Excellent post Tracy!

xo Catherine

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great idea for you, Tracy... Happy New Year to YOU.... Hope it works!!!

One thing which helps us get away from the hard situations around us is to get out in nature.. Take a hike in the woods; just find a nice quiet place and read a fun book; commune with God in your own way; etc....

Hope this is a 'new beginning' for you.

kenju said...

It's a very good idea! I think we all might want to push the reset button!!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

great plan that I will try as well.
I've been living in the same place as you and i think it's time to move.

Thank you!!!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy New Year to you!


Jules said...

Well, where is my party hat? :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Lin said...

Hooray!!! It's never to early or too late for a fresh start!! Let's make it a good one!!

Hey--when is the book coming out???