Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom's Daddy, Mom and her sisters...
(click on the photos to enlarge)
  It wouldn’t be polite to tell you my mother’s age, although she is a spry 83 years young. She continues to do volunteer work at the hospital, is prominent in the up-start of a new church in her community, and is an active member of the Ladies Red Hat Society. My mom walks a couple miles daily, golfs and carries on her gardening duties.
I’m proud to say not only does she lead an active life but her mind is alert as well by keeping up with the times and maneuvering her way around a computer. She connects with pen pals from all over the world via Facebook and e-mail in addition to being a frequent gamer on Words with Friends.
Daddy and his girls...(as documented on the back)

Nevertheless, these noted pieces of actualities are just that; information.  These facts may hint at, but hesitate to reveal the fundamental person she is within. Nor do these particulars disclose how much admiration and respect I hold for my mother.
Mom and her dogs....
Her life has been anything but tranquil raising five children as a single parent, surviving years of abuse with three marriages filled with domestic violence and void of emotional provisions.  The collection of viciousness in her life created a great divide between my mother and me, although my desire to feel her pride in me as a daughter was all-encompassing as a child.
Fast forward to the present where wisdom, understanding and forgiveness collide. My core erupts with adoration for the life she continues to lead; strength and determination her luggage.  My heart bursts with love for my mother for the life she has endured yet greets with such exuberance.
Me with my Mom and son, Nicholas (Nov., 2011)
So on this day, I extend the most extraordinary public acknowledgement I can beckon-

Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you THIS much….



Hope your mother has a wonderful day.


Christine Murray said...

This is a wonderful tribute. Happy birthday to your Mom!

mamahasspoken said...

Nice tribute to your mother! Happy birthday to her.

Connie said...

This is a very sweet post, Tracy. Happy birthday to your Mom. I hope her day is a very special one.

Old Kitty said...

Oh your mum is a wonderful amazing woman!!! Happy happy happy birthday to mum!! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy birthday to your amazing mother!

I love to read about people who are aging well, who still are healthy and active, both mentally and physically. Gives *me* hope!

I hope she has a wonder-full, extra-special celebration. :-)

Muffy's Marks said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! Continue to enjoy her, you will someday cherish the memories.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a neat post to such a special person. She sets the bar high for how to age properly. Happy Birthday to your Mom.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

And...she's so pretty!!

Tell her Happy Birthday!

From the Kitchen said...

What a great tribute to your mother. To have survived what she has, and have such a full life, says much about her. I wish her a very happy birthday and a continued good life.


TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday to your mom. may her zeal for life continue for many years...

Bossy Betty said...

Happy Birthday to a very special mom. Loved all those pictures!

Cat said...

Your mother and my mother are the same age :-)

Happy Birthday to your mum !!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

A very Special Happy Birthday to a very Special lady!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

A beautiful tribute. I love the pictures too. I hope your mother enjoys her birthday and continues to do well. I hope I will be as spry when I am 83!

P.S. I see that Ohio State sweat shirt on your son. Are you rooting for them this weekend?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me, you are so blessed to still have her...

Just Be Real said...

Tracy thank you for sharing your mother with us all here on her birthday. Blessings.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Happy Birthday Mom!
I see now where Tracy's love for animals come from.
Tracy - - - thanks for sharing your Mom's pictures. She is adorable !

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Mama.... I'm here to tell her that she raised a wonderful daughter!!!!!

Love the fact that she is still very active... I hope I am too when I'm in my 80's.


Linda Reeder said...

What a remarkable family resemblance over three generations.
You have written a lovely tribute to your mother. It's wonderful that you have come through the bad times to a place where you can share love in the good times.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

What an awesome woman! However do you keep up?

Matthew MacNish said...

Hi Tracy. Just dropping in to follow as your A to Z co-host. Nice to meet you!

Wanda's Wings said...

What a remarkable women!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi my word...our Mom's share a birthday. My mom was 84 on March 28th!! How about that?
Your Mom is a beautiful 83 year old..lots of beautiful DNA in your family.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh darlin' here's sendin' your beautiful Mama a very belated happy birthday!!!

My mom was born in 1929 and I had to laugh the other day when I called to see how she was. She said, "well, I still havin' some trouble with wrinkles! Heeehehehehe!!! Gotta love 'em. :o)

God bless ya and have yourself a magnificent weekend sweetie!!! :o)

Deb said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom...she sounds like a wonderful sounds like you know it too...I think staying busy with your body and mind is the best thing you can do for yourself...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh Happy Birthday to her! I love all the pics - especially the first one!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am late, but my heartiest birthday wishes to you Mom. What a great post. I hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend.

penny said...

That was a beautiful way to say.. I love you, Mom.
My Birthday wishes to your Mother.

Empty Nester said...

Your mother's story sounds absolutely incredible! She doesn't look anywhere near 83- good for her! Hubs' grandmother lived an active life like your mother is doing and she lived to see 103! Happy Birthday!

Kim Stevens said...

What a beautiful, beautiful heart-felt post about your mother!! And happy birthday wishes to her as well!

momto8 said...

what a great role model for you!!! happy birthday to your mom!
tha nk you for your thoughts today. i am grateful for our blogging friendship. i appreciate you.
happy weekend!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

wow Tracy...this got to me...made me cry...for you...and mostly your mom. And for His touch of grace and forgiveness and healing. A huge happy birthday to your mom and a big hug to you. YOu shine. YOu totally shine.

carolina nana said...

Hi, Tracy
I love to connect with NC bloggers as well. I love the special tribute to your mother.
Hope you have a blessed weekend

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did enlarge the photos and the first one i really really like, all those flowers gone wild and the house and the people, what a wonderful photo. and the last one is special as is your mother and her survival of all she went through. so happy you are good friends now. looks to me like all 3 of you have the same face shape.

Sherry Ellis said...

What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman!