Saturday, March 17, 2012

Uncharted Waters....

I wonder how many of you, like me get wrapped up in self-inflicted expectations and beliefs of what you are supposed to be in your life.
So often, we pigeon hole ourselves based upon our roles in life and because we discover comfort and satisfaction there, we typically don’t venture far-off course-at least those of us who have a tendency to ‘play it safe.’ Yet again, I’m speaking for myself.

I was relatively gratified and fulfilled in my starring portrayal of wife, mother, teacher, and daughter and actually never questioned what that would entail. I played the part and life was status quo; sufficient, true?
Well, yes….but- There’s always a ‘but’, isn’t there? What I failed to notice is that while I was busy playing those characters, I was suppressing opportunities and desires deep within my soul. I had silenced my dreams and hushed the visualizations of potentials.

I consciously or inadvertently quieted that voice within to be a writer or even act upon those desires by playing it safe. I overheard my inner voice announce ‘later’.  Well, Geez Louise, I’m fifty two years old-these passing days are now the LATER I had alluded to!
Cripes, I hate when that happens, but so I heard! The revelation and admission took hold and the journey of publishing my book, Life through the Eyes of a Hurricane: Doggie-Dog! came to fruition.  And through this excursion, life has truthfully delivered experiences and guises I never believed imaginable by way of book signings, being a Celebrity Reader in schools, and a guest at a local upcoming event, Authors in our Own Backyard. Incredible!

However, Friday I experienced yet another surreal moment this new undertaking of being an author has provided me; to TV. Really? ME? Small town country girl? (More of those so-called roles…) After you watch, I was so composed until, well, the last line; of course, and isn’t that what people remember? Click HERE to pull up the video from News 14. Thanks to Marti Skold-what a gracious and lovely host!

“Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

By Leo F. Buscaglia


From the Kitchen said...

How nice to "see" you this morning. I thought the interview was almost perfect. Where was Hurricane? He should have been with you!! Hearing your voice was a treat. You sound just like my Virginia "people" and, probably just like me.

Have a great weekend.


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Tracy, Such a good interview! I thought you did great! So what if you "flubbed" a word--it was at the end, and I would have been doing that through the entire interview! :-)

I can relate so much to your dreams of being a writer, and the way our dreams tend to get tucked behind the other roles we take on, the "safer" ones. I'm almost 49, and within the last 5 months or so, I've decided that this is the time, the "someday" that I've been waiting for. So I'm writing away . . .

The book looks so good. I am going to order from Amazon so I can read it.

Again, great interview!

Out on the prairie said...

I am a ham from way back and race for that camera.So fun to be loved by the public.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww pleasure, pressure - all good words! :-)

It was wonderful to see and hear your voice! Well done you!! Onwards and upwards for Hurricane (and Angel Kitty!) LOL! Take care

Teresa Evangeline said...

Wonderful interview and a flub is nothing! The entirety was fun and a real pleasure to watch/hear. We got to see more of You!

Rita said...

Real life does have a way of making us invisible; it seems as women our role is to serve.
Really enjoyed seeing you; follow your dream Tracy.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

It was such a delight seeing you on the video and hearing your voice. My daughter is so happy to see a real author (whose book we actually have) on the television. You are one example of someone who does so much besides doing the routine of life itself. A lot of young people can get so much inspiration from you. God Bless you.

TexWisGirl said...

aww! so sweet! loved hearing your sweet midwestern voice and seeing you in 'real live' action. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats, that was so cool! Remember, you have it in you, all you have to do is let it out!

Marg said...

That sure was a wonderful interview. Hurricane sure sounds like a great dog. I have always loved Golden retrievers but never had one. We will have to save up our green papers so we can get a book. Happy St. Patrick's day and hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT INTERVIEW!! It was just great!! I would love to have a copy of your book for my granddaughter. How would I go about getting a copy? I do so enjoy your posts!! ...debbie
debbieayers33@aol dot com

Finding Pam said...

That was a great interview, even with the little flub at the end, you still did an awesome job. I talk way to fast in interviews because I get scared. Love you dog.

It's funny and sad how life takes away our dreams of who we wanted to become. Finally, after all of these years, I'm finding myself and learning to do some thing that gives me great joy.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that you've followed your dream! congrats on your success - I didn't realize you were published!

Connie said...

That was a great interview, Tracy! How exciting! :-)

Linda Reeder said...

Very cool! It was a pleasure "seeing" you. You are no longer a faceless blog friend.

My Mind's Eye said...

WELL Done Ms. Tracy!! OMC you are very good at answering questions..and on the tvs too. WOW
We think you did just fine. Don't worry about that last word. Mom said she has heard many PROFESSIONAL broadcasters do the very same!!
We are very proud of you!!
Give Hurricane and Angel-Kitty a nose tap and hug
Madi and Mom

Kea said...

I thought you did a fabulous job, "flub" or no flub. My goodness, some of our broadcasters "flub" up every night. LOL.

Have to say, HUGE congratulations to you for stepping out of your comfort zone and "following your bliss." I think it's amazing, and frankly, most of us don't have the courage.

I also think it's especially harder as we get older, because the illusions and arrogance of youth are gone (for many of us!) and we know how agonizing life can be. So I think it takes an extra-specially strong heart and soul to pursue your dream.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a great interview and I too wish Hurricane could have been with you. You looked so comfortable.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the interview. What a fabulous job you did. I am so very proud of your success and the doors that this book is opening for you. God bless. (loved seeing/hearing you too!)

Just Be Real said...

How awesome Tracy! Sounds like you did really really well. Hey, we are all human..... Blessings and hugs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations on your book and becoming a TV personality.

Mike said...

I get my chicks from Holly Springs. You handled the interview/camera very well. I'm sure 'pressure' was a Freudian slip and waited 'til the end. ;)

Dianne said...

you're a star!
how cool :)

Bish Denham said...

Hey, I'd be stumbling all over the place! You did just fine. And congratulations on getting your book published!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

what a great message. It's so easy to take a backseat and think I have nothing. I'm just beginning to learn not only do I have something to share but that He wants to use it. Thanks. Tracy

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey I am so excited and happy for you. All of this going on in your life because you followed your dreams. It is such an inspiration to everyone of us who like me just keep telling myself one of these days.
Your interview was delightful. You did a wonderful job throughout the whole interview. Can't believe you were so calm.
By the way your a beautiful lady and I feel so fortunate to have a copy of this book. I am going to have to buy two more copies for my grand babies.
Wish you would be a guest on my Blogazine and we could let all my friends see this interview and get to know you like I have enjoyed knowing you.

Sylvia said...

Great interview, Tracy, well done !
Sounds like Hurricane is a wonderful dog !
Dreams do come true ...
Have a nice week,

Marti Skold said...

Thank you for coming by News 14 andd sharing your story with our viewers. I truly enjoyed meeting you and your husband. I hope to meet Hurricane sometime and I look forward to your future books.
Marti Skold
Morning Anchor
News 14 Carolina

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Isn't that great? hey, don't focus on the one thing that you think is inferior or the whole thing will be ruined for you.


Remington said...

That was awesome! Well done!

Unknown said...

I think you did great! And I am so impressed. After I read your book I donated it to the local grade school.
And, I guess I haven't read your blog often enough because I didn't realize that you were a SE teacher. Now, not only can I visualize you as I read your blog, but I can feel that special connection since I am a retired SE teacher.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

We are the same age! Nice...yes I pigeon hole myself too. Wow on Tv and an author too

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

That was terrific!!
I think you did just fine.

I'm proud of you and I don't even know you! Well except through cyber space. :-)

Kittie Howard said...

Tracy, it was so nice to see you and hear your voice. And what a wonderful interview. Your enthusiasm for Hurricane was/is contagious. Like everyone else, I am so very proud of you!

Catherine said...

Wow - how fun to be interviewed on TV! I think we all go through that "are we who we are supposed, are we doing what we are supposed to be doing?". I am thinking you are on the path you are meant to be on.
Good job!
xo Catherine

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Awesome! Congrats! Happy dance! Happy Dance!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Spread those wings and fly my sister!!! Congratulations and how fun it was to watch ya sweetie!!!

God bless and have a fantastic day!!! :o)

Lin said...

You know what I took from that?

"Tracy Spaine, AUTHOR" WOW!! Look at YOU, pally!!

What a wonderful experience for you! :)

Nancy said...

You just never know where the road will take you -- but you need to get on that road!

Congrats on your fame! Loving it. :)