Friday, April 20, 2012

"R" is for Ridiculous Reasons....

perceptions + quotes + reality =
A to Z Challenge

Miss Angel-Kitty
One of my pet peeves is tardiness. I despise when I’m late for an event or pre-scheduled appointment, which is not very often. In fact, as a result of my disdain for belatedness, I’m classically ten or so minutes early. In my mind, constant delays show a lack of respect for another person’s time.
Therefore, as a result of my disparagement for dillydallies, I’ve created a list of ridiculous reasons for pokiness. Okay, here we go and just so you know, these could very well happen in my house:
1.)   Angel-Kitty wasn't finished with her breakfast yet.
     2.) Hurricane ran out the door to romp with Ripley and had to be chased around
          the development.
3.)  I didn’t want to be accused of being the principal’s pet so I began acting out by being late.
4.)  I got lost on my way to work. Yeah, I know I only live one mile down the road but my husband was showing me a new way to get there!
5.)  My son burned his pop tart in the frying pan and dropped a gallon of milk on the floor.
"I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much
jollier than the people who have to wait for them.”
By E.V. Lucas
  Hmmmmm, perhaps I should try this method~



Great post for "R" Enjoyed reading.


Jules said...

I would buy them all but that last one. Who puts a pop-tart in a skillet? :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I truly believe that being late IS disrespecting others.


Arkansas Patti said...

I love the Lucas quote. I am a punctual nut also. Did any of those excuses work for you?

Out on the prairie said...

I had one friend always late so I invited her earlier than everyone else.

Zebsmom said...

While waiting 40 mins past my appointment time to see any doctor, I wonder if they teach them in medical school that the patients time is not at all valuable and to disrespect them every single time you see them. I also have a real problem with being late, and have been known to leave if someone doesn't show up on time. Great post!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,
Wanted to stop and say hello! How are y'all doin'?
My Human is havin' problems solving why my posts have stopped posting automatically. Sigh :(
It's meant I'm not gettin' around to keep up with everyone.
Hope y'all are havin' a great week!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

TexWisGirl said...

that quote made me laugh! but your reasons did, too. i've done the 'chasing the dog(s)' think before enough times... :)

farawayeyes said...

OK, I admit it I am jolly. Chang the names and I have probably used every one of those excuses. Now, I just smile and wave.

Anonymous said...

I rather like the first one the best...Angel Kitty MUST finish before you leave...what if she would choke?!...debbie

liz young said...

Pokiness? that must be an Americanism I have yet to learn! Presumably it relates to the English word "tardiness"? In my slang vocabulary, poky means small, as in a room or house or car that isn't big enough and constricts you.

Jaye Robin Brown said...

Yeah, I'm not big for being late either, but my sweetie is perpetually late. It's a battle. Now I give false times of departure.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Why, I don't think excuse number 1 is ridiculous at all! Angel-Kitty must be watched over until she's ready for you to leave! (LOL)

I am guilty of this too much--I could use the excuse of, well, I'm checking things and it makes me late, but I think the real problem is that I tend to underestimate the time it will take me to do something. I'm trying to do better! :-)

Unknown said...

I am a stickler for promptness ... period.
Have a great weekend ~

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Ha! Great quote. My husband is always early, hates to put anyone else out. Habitually late people are annoying. They're simply not thinking about anyone else. I love the early birds!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm with you on being late!!!! Hey, at least you didn't include that the dog ate someone's homework.

Wanda said...

HaHaHa ~ Years ago, when I was working full time, a friend and I would meet for breakfast before work. The scheduled time 6:30 AM, and like you, I would be there at 6:20, and Tammy would show up at 7 AM, so I told her next week we'll make it for 6:45 to help her...not so...she was always at least 15 minutes late. It was frustrating...and we eventually stopped meeting... Wonder why???

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I hate being late and always try to be early and I like the Lucas quote. Thanks for your visit and enjoy your weekend.


Jen said...

I have a friend who is always late! Drives me nuts! And my husband is always early drives me crazy too!

Robyn Campbell said...

Ha ha haaa. Love your list. Seriously, there is no excuse for tardiness. Love that quote. So funny, but true. Ha.

Tracy Jo said...

Lol! I agree...I am always early and I hate being rushed. I try to plan ahead but of course, I have my moments. LOVE the picture!

Bish Denham said...

I'm like you. I'd rather be 10 minutes early than one minute late. I don't mind waiting... else I wouldn't come early to begin with!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I agree with you about tardiness... I don't understand people who are always late to most everything --and yet, they just laugh it off. Doesn't bother them a bit... They don't even try to give excuses anymore. (My friend is like that!)

I get very upset when we have an appointment (like a doctor's) --and then have to wait and wait... Drives me crazy... AND--they don't even give a REASON at all...

Have a good weekend.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh me too! I get really stressed if I'm on time. I have to be early for everything. It's obnoxious ;-)

Unknown said...

I hate being late, too. And I come from a family that has it's own time zone. :)

Catherine said...

I hate lateness as well Tracy. I can't stand it. And I love that quote at the end ~ so true!! Love the photo of Angel Kitty ~ so cute! :)
xo Catherine

Nancy said...

Never a dull moment -- that's what makes life grand! :)

Jake and Terri said...

I hate to be late also but my husband likes to be 15 minutes early! That is too early for me but it all works out in the end! Love the excuses!

I'm in NC too but by Charlotte!

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