Saturday, December 11, 2010

This Too Shall Pass....

My first week back to school from track-out has been frantic and I could speak that is an understatement. It was overflowing with early mornings and late nights, writing IEP’s and reports for children, meetings, contacting parents to set up those conferences and oh yeah, by the way, I’m suppose to teach? And be a mom? And be a wife?

That type of day/week aggravates and disturbs me; I’m not one who typically likes the rapid chaotic pace of life. My idea of a joyous day is waking up in the early hours to expend quiet time with ‘me’ partaking in reading and writing, casually preparing for my day sharing moments with my boys, actively engaged with my children at school then returning to the sanctuary of my home and being fully occupied in family.

That, my friends has certainly been distant from this week’s undertakings, and I can sincerely utter next week as well with more meetings, progress reports, blah, blah, blah….those sorts of days or weeks do not suit my soul.

Which brings me to this little guy:

…a Precious Moments’ figurine with the inscription “This Too Shall Pass”. Those words are my personal mantra for difficult times. I sing them, repeat them, yell them to the top of the world, really I don’t, but often feel like it. My point being, I try to remind myself that tough moments don’t last nevertheless resilient fighting spirits carry on.

I don’t have this figurine, although I use to. He was given to me when I was encountering horrendous moments in my life that lasted months into years. I clung to Him like a child with a security blanket. As those tumultuous moments faded into a life of recovery I passed Him on to a friend or colleague who was suffering and hurting. My single direction was when this individual no longer believed it crucial to cling to Him in that desperate manner, then he/she would pass the figurine on to one another person in need.

Years later when obstacles bombarded my door yet again He was returned to me, then I in turned passed him to one more; like I said, his whereabouts today are a mystery to me although I know He’s providing comfort and solace to a hurting soul.

This week, His image came to mind and while he is not in my possession, He is in my heart. I intend to carry Him and His message bravely into the next week so chaotic moments become quiet ones and frenzied flashes befall calm.

This Too Shall Pass…


Nancy said...

Sorry you are having a stressful time, Tracy. I left that stuff behind over four years ago to stay at home -- and I do not believe I could ever go back, at least, voluntarily.

This time of year seems to bring stress to many people. I hope you have some time to relax this weekend and unwind. ((hugs))

kenju said...

I'm sorry too, and I know how disconcerting that can be. I hope your strife passes soon.

JennyD said...

You said the most important part of all in the very beginning, "tough moments don’t last nevertheless resilient fighting spirits carry on." That's the honest core of the whole thing, and thank goodness for that, right? NO moments last, good or bad, and so it's what we do with them that counts. Yours is job related so you have to do it, but, it will pass. I remember very well times like that in my own career, and the times lasted year after year; but now I'm retired and there are actually moments when I'd give anything to have that stressful day back. Granted, I don't feel like that most of the time, but there are days. Just sayin'
The weekend is here now, so take some time and laugh and play with your family. Enjoy it all :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Tracy, Oh --how I remember those days of trying to be a full-time single Mom, working full-time, trying to make ends meet, etc... The good news is that I DID it --and it is over. My sons are all grown and doing well; I am retired and can sleep in in the mornings; and life for me is good.... BUT--I do remember the harried times --and that is what you are going through... My prayers and thoughts are with you!!!!


Erin said...

Hang in there, Tracy! Better days are ahead.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Have a little catnip and a nice long nap, that usually works!

Connie said...

Tracy, my mom used to say this to us as kids all the time. One thing to remember, though, is that it applies to both good times and bad. In other words, not only is it a comfort to me in bad times, but it also is a reminder to me in good times to enjoy the moment and be grateful for it. :D Hope you have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Tracy I think your little PM guy is a wonderful way to remind us we need to leave it in Gods hands. No matter how crazy hectic things can get, we can always count on things getting better eventually. And how cool that you passed it on to someone else who was going thru their own strife! I pray as the year ends, your days get less hectic and more rewarding. :) ((Hugs))

Tracy said...

Nancy, you are right, in and of itself, this time of year is stressful but couple it with work related stress and yeah, I do and WILL rewind and de-stress this weekend! Thank you...

Kenju, thanks WILL pass, just not as quickly as I want it to!

Yes, JennyD...NO moments last forever even the great ones; good point! I am resilient and will get through it but I love my inner peace and MOST times I feel calm so it's times like these that make me crazy...thanks so much for your thoughts!

Betsy, thanks for your thoughts and prayers...I depend on them! I do applaud you for making it through difficult times. My mom was a single mother of 5 and it is tough going but I'm sure you have so much pride now in your accomplishments :)

Thanks Erin, I KNOW you know exactly what I am talking about...I have to just get through this next week; One day at a Time...right?

Brian, EXCELLENT IDEA!!! maybe I could have that nap at school with the children? what do you think?

Daisy, thanks for the positive thoughts. I WILL have a great weekend. We are putting our tree up and dressing the house in Christmas' finest!

Kimmy, he was a great reminder and fortunately the stress now in comparison is NOTHING to what I went through when I had him the first time so I am thankful for that...this is just life stress and This Too Shall Pass!thanks for the hugs...

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an excellent story about this lovely little figurine. Such a sweet thought! But I think this is something that most of your friends do NOT want to recieve! I am like you, I also don't function well when I have to hurry and am stressed, I then make many mistakes. Yes,all things pass, this is so good to remember at times that are stressful!! I should write it down and put it on the fridge!!

Linda said...

What a wonderful story, and so true. Wishing you strength for next week. Actually I'm wishing you strength for the next moment and the moment after that.

Wanda's Wings said...

God Bless You is all I can seem to say.

Inger said...

That's a beautiful story. It touched my heart.--Inger

The Words Crafter said...

I'm sorry it's rough times for you. Seems to be an outbreak lately :(

I do love the story about the little PM guy. What a wonderful tradition to share and how cool that he came back to you....

Dawn said...

Wonderful Post!!!
I needed this today....and what a wonderful reminder. I will keep him in my mind today and throughout these next few weeks for sure!!!

Linda Reeder said...

Your name has been popping up on comments to my blog, so I decided to check you out.
I see that you are struggling to find balance in your job as a teacher. I remember it well. I did not teach full time whan I had Children at home, choosing instead to work as a classified specialist in the Learning Assistance Program. that meant I could leave it behind when the day was done.
I finished my career back in a certificated job, as a reading specialist and evantually a literacy coach. I retired 5.5 years ago.
My answer to you last post about challenges is that I always tackled them with a great deal of insecruity but also with a great deal of determination. My mother's words always rang in my ears "Whatever you do, do it the best that you can". And I did. It takes it's toll, which is why I knew I couldn't do all of full time teaching and child rearing and homemaking at the same time.
I was pretty burnt out when I retired. My husband, also a retired teacher, have been ever so blessed with wonderful retirement years so far. And I am careful to limit my challenges these days.
"This too will pass" is a good motto as long as you don't use it too often. You must not wish too much of your life away. Remember, life is what happens every minute of every day.

Tracy said...

Ginny, you're right, I don't think any of my friends really want the little guy, but hey,unfortunately I've had to pass him along. Please DO post it on your fridge!

Linda, I will do my best to take it moment by moment...thanks for your good thoughts!

Sophia, Thank you! as in your situation as well; This Too Shall Pass! It was truly my pleasure to help Divine. You have blessed me :) XOXOX

Thank you Wanda, He does bless me over and over again!

Canyon Girl, I'm glad I could touch your heart~ really I am! Blessings to you...

Words Crafter, my friend e-mailed me and told me there was one for 10.00 on E-bay...I just might have to get on there!

Dawn, I'm so glad it was timely for you...funny how things work out that way! and to you; THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!! keep that in your mind and heart~

Tracy said...

Linda Reeder,
Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving your thoughts. I try really hard not to wish my life away and that's certainly a good point. Thing is I love my kids at school and am good at what I do but why is it so secondary to admin. that paperwork becomes the priority? You put it right; I AM trying to find that balance and for 75% of my time, I have it but the other 25% is sure a whallop! which is not my natural personality...
AGain, thanks so much for your thoughts and I will take this next week one day at a time and declaring, 'This Too Shall Pass!

Out on the prairie said...

It's tough to get all that cute paperwork and calls regular ed teachers are free of. In some schools they are giving an extra period or allow a day off with sub every two weeks.Keep up the good work.

Ami said...

What you do is important.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that in the craziness.

But it's a calling and an important one and you do make a difference.

Tracy said...

Out on the Prairie, Thank you for your support so I can continue know sometimes we just need a pat on the back and a 'way to go' so we can must er the courage and energy to march on; thank you!

And Ami, you as well; thank you for the support and reinforcing that I do what I do for a reason; be damned the administraction...

Julie said...

I'm sorry you're going through a stressful time too... stay strong, I know you have it! I really like how the figure has been passed on... just knowing that it's helping someone out there is a great image.

Thank you too for always taking time to read my blog and comment on it. I do really appreciate your suggestions - and I responded to them on the blog.

TexWisGirl said...

I loved that you passed this little statue on to someone you felt needed it, and that years later it was returned to you when you again needed its message!

Thanks for coming over to Run*A*Round! I love Nancy, so am looking forward to getting to know you as well! :)